Over the last few months, Viagra has broken the mold for erectile dysfunction (ED) drug advertising.  For years, the ED brand ads were remarkably similar.  Men in at least their 50s doing various things talking about their ED, or couples in at least their 50s looking lovingly at each other.  Most of the couples appeared to be middle class to maybe a little upper middle class.

But last year, Viagra went in a completely different direction.  Younger.  In the most recent rendition, an attractive, younger (I think in her 30s) woman lying on a bed uttering these words: “Half of men over 40 (not 50 or 60) have some degree of erectile dysfunction.”   She also refers to them as “guys”…not men.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YtOOeDEJ6Y

When these ads first appeared, there were some articles written talking about how Viagra had switched from targeting men (clearly the target in the initial ads) to targeting women.  And certainly, “But I think women would rather curl up with their favorite man” is messaged to women.  Plus, women do make the majority of healthcare decisions, so this makes sense.  But I also think the marketing folks had to know that putting an attractive woman in the ad (on a bed) talking about “curling up with her favorite man” would engage men as well.

Finally, I am intrigued with the setting.  As someone who had done a fair amount of pharma advertising research, I was a little surprised by the very upscale setting.  I don’t know income and net worth demographics of ED drug users, but I cannot believe too many patients live in houses like that.  Of course, these drugs are expensive if insurance does not cover them, and maybe that plays a role in the setting (or maybe I am over thinking it).

So how are these ads doing?  Unfortunately, I was not able to find anything.  If you know, let me know, and I will share the results.  But if nothing else, I give Viagra credit for breaking away from the “tried and true.”